
 Data Visualization CSCE 679 Besides learning how to analyze data, it is essential to represent data as well. Data visualization can aid data scientists to deliver data more understandably and efficiently. It helps them to tell stories by removing noise from data and emphasizing the useful part of information. So, this class would help me to understand different techniques and tools for data visualization. It also makes me familiar with common mistakes that are happened in this field. Example for good visualization:  This visualization is easily interpreted. It shows the trend of job losses and gains clearly during 2009- 2017 by using colors that represent the nature of data very well.   (Ref: Example for bad visualization: Lots of variables are represented in 3D bars that make information difficult to understand because of the collusion and perspective problem.  (Ref:...
ARCH 655| Project 2 EmTech’s TWISTed Plywood at the Timber Expo in Birmingham Emergent Technologies and Design Programme (EmTech) at the  Architectural Association School of Architecture  in  London  has recently exhibited their project, The TWIST at the  Timber  Expo in  Birmingham . The project is an experimentation in the properties of milled  plywood , developed throughout 1:1 tests. Through these experiments, The TWIST seeks to gain full control of the material properties, developing articulated surfaces with the variable orientation of its elements. (ref: ). The developing of this project contains three major parts including modeling, analyzing, and optimization.  1- Modeling  This project contains two primary curves that shape the main structural elements. Each of these curves is degree three Nurbcurves wi...
Image ARCH 655| PARAMETRIC MODELING IN ARCHITECTURE PROJECT 1|  THE YAS HOTEL, ABU-DHABI Homa Pesarakli Instructor: Dr. Wei Yan Fall 2019, TAMU Content 1. Introduction. 2. Project objective 3. Project Challenges 4. Modeling (Mass & Skin)     4.1. Main building     4.2. Bridge between building     4.3. Curved Surface and frame 5. Physical-Based Modeling 6.Surface Curvature 7. Project Video 1.Introduction. I selected the Yas Hotel, Abu Dhabi, as my case study of the parametric model for project 1 (midterm) in Arch 655. Rhino, Grasshopper, and Kangaroo are used to create the parametric form (mass and skin) for the curved design, make the physically-based model as an alternative solution, and do some analyses.  2. Objective. The goal is to demonstrate some of the acquired knowledge, tools, and skill set in the...